Composer (Genre) Title Meter Temposort descending Bars Length Exercise Rhythm
Sibelius Etude 2/4 80 64 1:51 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Sibelius Etude 2/4 80 32 :56 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Joplin (Ragtime) the Sycamore 4/4 (12/8) 90 64 1:30 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Rag
Glazunov scene IV: Raymonda's entry 6/8 (2/4) 90 64 :44 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Joplin (Ragtime) the Easy Winners 4/4 100 16 :42 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Rag
Sibelius Etude 2/4 100 64 1:29 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Glazunov scene IV: Raymonda's entry 2/4 100 32 :23 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Sibelius Etude 2/4 100 32 :45 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Schubert Ecossaise in Bm 2/4 100 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 100 32 1:22 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Chopin the Butterfly 2/4 104 32 :45 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Dalby (Russian Songs) Little Onions 2/4 111 16 :45 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Dalby (Russian Songs) Little Onions 2/4 111 8 :27 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 120 :53 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Czerny Bb 2/4 from Etudes ballet 6/8 (2/4) 142 32 :57 Little Jump Jigs and Quick 6/8
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation 2 2/4 105 16 :40 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) the Garry Owen 6/8 (2/4) 118 32 :35 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump, Jigs, 6/8, Tarantella Jigs and Quick 6/8
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 128 32 :42 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 137 :47 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 102 8 :25 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 102 16 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Smetana Polka in Eb 2/4 102 16 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 85 8 :31 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 85 16 :51 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 112 32 1:15 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 92 32 :46 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Sibelius Etude 2/4 95 16 :25 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Glazunov Raymonda: Adagio 3/4 "Scene Mimique" 4/4 (12/8) 34 16 2:02 Rond de Jambe a terre, Rond de Jambe en l'air, 3/4 Adagio, Little Jump Adagio 3/4 and 6/8
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 77 8 :34 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 77 16 :57 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Passage-Pleyel 2/4 (6/8) in F 6/8 (2/4) 127 16 :36 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 127 :51 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Joplin (Ragtime) the Easy Winners (2 tempos) 4/4 96 16 :45 4/4 Tendu, Little Jump Rag
Tchaikowski Humoresque 2/4 96 32 1:25 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Joplin (Ragtime) Elite Syncopations 4/4 86 16 :47 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Rag
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 116 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 106 32 1:19 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 107 8 :24 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Sibelius Etude 2/4 107 64 1:29 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation 2 2/4 107 32 1:20 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Sibelius Etude 2/4 107 32 :42 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 107 16 :41 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Tchaikowski Four Swans variation IV act II 4/4 94 32 1:28 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus la Bayadere: Variation for Four 2/4 94 16 :48 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
xshort Variation 2/4 91 8 :24 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 113 :56 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski "Tchaikowski Pas de Deux": Variation 2 2/4 115 8 :21 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 97 8 :27 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 97 16 :45 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Smetana Polka in Eb 2/4 97 32 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 93 8 :28 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
(Celtic and Gaelic) Peggy On the Settle 4/4 93 16 :47 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Schubert Ecossaise in Bm 2/4 88 32 :48 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Czerny Bb little jump from Etudes ballet 6/8 (2/4) 134 32 :57 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Czerny Etudes ballet: Bb Little Jump, 2 tempos 2/4 166 & 185 16 :30 Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
(Children's Class) Four and Twenty Blackbirds 4/4 (12/8) 145 16 :33 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Moderato 4/4
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 164 8 :54 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 180 8 :49 4/4 Tendu, Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Tchaikowski "Theme and Variations": Theme (First Variation) (Samba) 4/4 180 16 1:36 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Reel
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 180 32 147 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 180 32 147 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 190 32 141 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 190 32 141 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 200 32 136 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 200 32 136 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 215 32 129 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 215 32 129 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 230 32 123 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Minkus Don Quixote: Cupid (also from Paquita) 2/4 230 32 123 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump Polka and 2/4 and Hornpipe
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 121 32 :43 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 143 32 :40 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump
Tchaikowski Violente Variation V 2/4 133 32 :40 Degage & Frappe, Little Jump

Public Domain

Except for my tunes, which you may use, everything on this site is in the public domain. So you can use anything here for any purpose, including a non-free performance or a broadcast production. You don't even have to ask my permission.
Tunes by Dalby are copyright 2010 and 2011.

to find Longer Versions or Different Tempos

On a page of results, click on TITLE to alphabetize all the titles for that result.
Compare their Tempos to select a faster or slower version.
Compare Bars or Length for shorter or longer versions.
Or, different arrangements:
Ode To Joy as a Samba or as a Boogie-Woogie, perhaps.
Click on LENGTH to group all the results that last a certain length.

All ballet class rhythms are here.

Every piece here can be used for many different things.
A Moderato Waltz or a Slow 6/8 can support:
Plie, Tendu, any Rond de Jambe (earth or air), Stretching, Adagio, Pirouette, Leaps across the Floor, Reverence, and much more.
Every piece here can be used for many different things!
"Little Jumps", for example, simply means Quick 2/4, and works very well for Degage and others.
And there may not be a button that says JETE on it, but the accompaniment is here (probably in Coda or Big Waltz).